Ingredients: 0.5 l of water, 1 star anise, 1 cinnamon stick, 1 orange (untreated), 1 lemon (untreated), and 100 ml inge ginger syrup
Recipe for 4 glasses/cups:
Bring the water to the boil briefly in a saucepan.
Wash the lemon and orange, cut into slices and put 3 slices each into the pot.
Add the star anise, cinnamon stick and 100 ml ginger syrup.
Allow to simmer on low heat for 3-5 minutes.
Pour the hot ginger through a sieve into a heat-resistant carafe or jug.
Serve in a thick-walled glass, garnish with an orange or lemon slice and enjoy hot.
Give your hot ginger an extra kick for sociable winter evenings with a shot of gin or whiskey. A delicious and soothing alternative to mulled wine!
If you like it a little spicier, add a few slices of fresh, untreated ginger to the hot water along with the lemons and oranges.
Ginger, an old home remedy.
The miracle root warms from the inside and is rich in vitamin C. A true immune booster!