FRESH lemon ginger tea

Ingredients: 4 cl Inge ginger syrup, 1-2 organic lemons, ginger (2-3 cm large), Turmeric (1 cm large), and 500 ml of water

Ginger tea can strengthen the immune system and has a positive effect on colds. The ideal drink, especially for the cold season!

Wash the lemon in hot water, dry it and cut it in half. Cut one half into wedges and squeeze the juice into a pan. Add the squeezed wedges. Squeeze the juice from the other half and add it.

Wash the ginger and turmeric, cut into slices and add to the pot with 500 ml of water. Bring to the boil and simmer gently over a low heat for about 5 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat, add 5 cl of ginger syrup and let the tea steep, covered, for about 10 minutes.

Pour the tea, ginger and turmeric into a thermos flask and enjoy hot.

If you want to give the tea a little more power, add a shot of whiskey or gin. Delicious!